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Welcome to BMW 100% Unofficial WebSite
BMW 100% Unofficial WebSite

Internet, July 26th, 2001. After months without news, the BMW 100% Unofficial WebSite is still on the air. We thank you for your support and colaboration, once it has been very important for us. Some time ago, we received a message from a BMW fan, who said: "when are you coming back online? I still haven't found any good web site as you were!"

Of course it called our attention and we felt happy inside. The idea is all done, the pictures we still have and our heart still beats for BMW. On the previous weeks, we were having problems with our address supplier. An Internet hacker unfortunatelly stole our e-mail address, so we had a great headache, as you may infer from that. If it weren't enough the problems with all the system itself, the web pages being done and being re-done, one stupid person came across us to stop our work. At this time, we are still negotiating with the Internet host to give us back our address as soon as possible. While that doesn't happen, please e-mail us using only the info@bmwonline.cjb.net.

Soon we'll add a sample page for you. The sample page will show you how the web site will be like, and then, please write and gives us your comments.


The BMW 100% Unofficial WebSite Team


Internet, February 15th, 2018. Guess what? We were able to regain access to our Tripod server. The data, however, is definitely lost. Again, thank you for your support and patience that, after almost 17 years, would be old enough to drive in some countries.

This website will not be shut down until further notice. My plan is to bring you information and updates of my favorite BMW models (specially the E36) in a traditional way, not using forums, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest or any other recent technology. After all, old manners go together well with vintage cars.

Best regards,

T. Szőke

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